The Sapio Files
Sapiophile (n.)- one who is attracted to intelligence. Join us, fellow fun loving lovers of knowledge, as we dig into your favorite topics with our very own nerdy diatribes, words of wisdom, and takes on life as millennials (with the occasional bursting into song) Welcome to the Sapio Files!
Podcasting since 2018 • 117 episodes
The Sapio Files
Latest Episodes
Episode 115: That's So Cliche
Throughout life, you are bound to hear some of the same cliche pieces of advice over and over. But are cliches so common for a good reason, or are they mostly just outdated advice? This episode, we are analyzing some of the most popular cliches...
Season 8
Episode 7
Episode 114: Dating Through the Years
We're back this week with our guest host, Caleb, and we're ready to dig into dating over the years. From jousting for a woman's hand, to regency era, to arranged marriages, to free love, all the way through dating app drama, we break down how s...
Season 8
Episode 6
Episode 113: Movies with All the Feels
Join us this week as we share our top picks for our favorite movies that give us ALL THE FEELS. We're not just talking about movies that make us happy or make us cry. We are choosing our favorite scenes that make us really feel a multitude of e...
Season 8
Episode 5
Episode 112: Moral Alignments
Those who know us know that we love analyzing personality types and literature. So when we found the chart for the 9 moral alignments, we thought that would be another fun framework to explore. This week, we are talking about the moral alignmen...
Season 8
Episode 4
Episode 111: Unpopular Opinions- Fictional Character Edition
We're back with another one of our classic episodes. Some fictional characters are widely accepted as beloved or heroic. Some are accepted as unquestionable villains. But today, we are here to shake up what you think you know about your favorit...