The Sapio Files

Episode 80: Why is English Like That? (The Ramblings of Two Self-Proclaimed Grammar Nazis)

The Sapio Files Season 5 Episode 9

You can speak English well. You can write English well. But do you have any idea WHY you need to say or write things in a particular way? Don't worry...  most people don't. But as a team of a Published Author and a Reading Specialist, we've got you covered. This week, we are breaking apart some of the most common grammatical faux pas and misconceptions that we see. Find out why there are TWO grammatically correct answers to "How are you?", why the oxford comma is so important, why word choice can actually change the implications of what you're saying, and how to determine which of two seemingly alike words is actually the correct choice for your sentence. PLUS, using English rules of phonetic structure, word origins, and spelling, we settle once and for all the ever-present argument of how to pronounce GIF. Join us this week for a fun dive into language. You might be surprised with what you learn!