The Sapio Files

Episode 102: Ethical Dilemmas

The Sapio Files Season 6 Episode 12

Imagine this scenario: You're standing next to a railroad track and you see a runaway train with no ability to stop. Up ahead, you see that five workers are stuck on the track and will be killed by the train. You have a lever you can pull that will switch the train to a side track, but on that track, there is one worker who will be killed if you pull the lever. What do you do? This classic ethical dilemma, officially known as "The Trolley Problem", was our starting point for this week's discussion. What would you do in a no-win situation? What schools of thought in the realm of moral philosophy could help you solve this dilemma? What do our decisions in these situations reveal about our priorities, morals, and beliefs?  How is this scenario becoming more relevant with the dawn of new technology? Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on ethical dilemmas, morality, philosophy, and creative problem-solving this week on The Sapio Files!